Thank-you: A quick look of my year that was 2013

I am hurting today. Not mentally rather physically. Mentally I am strong today.

I sit here typing on the the screen I see before me, my hands all swollen, joints riddled with pain. You maybe asking yourself why is she blogging? Why is she putting herself through all that pain.

Blogging is one of my many passions. It allows me to voice my story and hopefully provide courage and hope to others. My blog posts over the last few days may seem a bit dark. But I can assure you that despite having to battle mental illnesses and more dark times than i’d like to my life isn’t always dark.

Aside from attending appointments for both my mental and physical illlnesses/disabilities, this year I was a mentor and ambassador for the Monash University Faculty of the Arts, I also engaged in public speaking and it was a community radio presenter at SYN Media I was apart of a show that raised awareness about disability and advocated for all types of issues relating to disability called Raise The platform presenting on such a show has built my confidence up so much, and has also allowed me to form friendships with some amazing people; whom I will be friends with for life.

Earlier in the year I was also asked to be a speaker on a diversity and inclusion panel for the Monash University 2013 Diversity and Inclusion week. Myself and other panel members spoke about our experiences and answered questions from audience members. Subsequently, I was asked if I would do an equity diversity profile; sharing my experiences with others. Of course I said Yes!

A few months later, I spoke about the significance of being selected for my university’s most prestigious program for up and coming leaders; Ancora Imparo. I spoke to potential applicants about the benefits and significance of the program for myself. I was so overwhelmed by the response to my words! I was amazed- that I inspired people. I was contacted by students a few weeks after that. Some of my words can be found here:

That was just this year. This was probably my most toughest year yet.

with several hospital admissions, severe chest and respiratory infections, changes in medication; the diagnosis of C-PSTD, attempts at leaving this world, sliced toes, sore backs and more. I had taken lots of time off college and with that my depression became worse as I was unsure if I would pass university or not. with the lingering diagnosis of Rheumatoid arthritis

But there were people who refused to give in up on me and I want to take a moment to type thank-you to them all.
My lecturers: your patience and time spent with me during my times of sickness to ensure I understood the content was amazing! to my Academic mentors who kept my spirits high and believed I would do well.

My friends, my family… Everyone Thank-you.

I did in fact pass uni with a credit, credit, distinction 🙂

So are you still wondering why I am typing? to give you hope.
It will be okay. No matter what 🙂

Keep Believin’ 


COPYRIGHT 2013 ‘Beautiful Contemplations’ Founded by Shaz Hermione Sturk.